Sports Picks eXpert System
Sports Picks eXpert System

First, let us define what is an eXpert System.
eXpert System is a computer program that contains the knowledge and analytical skills of one or more human experts, related to a specific subject.

The knowledge is a huge database with the results from all the NBA games since 1990, this database contains the betting lines, over/under, scores, difference of lines, ATS (against the spread), totals, etc,.. In other words, all possible information obtainable from a NBA game.

The system analytical skills are PREDICTION algorithms mixing AI, specifically machine learning techniques, such as deep learning and regression.

The specific subject is Sports Odds/betting. At this point, only Basketball - NBA is available online.

One of the features of Sports Picks eXpert System is DNA X-tatistics, this is a new easy-visual way to look at the sports odds/sports betting results.
DNA X-tatistics it is possible to track easily betting variables for specific team(s) with detailed @HOME/@AWAY statistics.

The system is build to enable users to search for their own statistics, with the advanced search, users can obtain detailed information of a specific game, date, season, points lines, total points lines, ATS, cover/no cover, over and under, etc.

The system includes a virtual Pick Manager, so the users can track their picks and compite with other users and try to beat the SPXS prediction algorithms.

Sports Picks eXpert System:

Search Search Perform searches by team, by date, or by any of the possible variables (betting lines, over/under, scores, difference of lines, ATS, totals).
Standing Standings Detailed standings information, Teams | HOME /AWAY, with sortable fields.
Stats Stats Basic and detailed stats information, with sortable fields.
DNA X-tatistics DNA X-tatistics Detailed standings information, including the last 10 games | HOME /AWAY, with sortable fields.
PREDICT PREDICT Predict a result for a specific game with the basic prediction algorithm.
Odds algorithm Prediction Algorithm Basic prediction algorithm, explanation and example.

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R&D by Luis A. Mateos
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Sports Picks eXpert System